Worship, Create, Dream

Be free to Worship God. Create with abandonement because He is the Creator. Let's discover our Dreams together.

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What is the Affect it has on Your life?

Day Fifteen

Have you ever seen the movie Mom’s Night Out ? The lead female character has a desire to create through blogging. In fact she may even tell you she feels “called”. And the chaos of her family is calling her to do everything but create.

It is a cute, hectic story where the woman finally sits down and is mentored by the most unlikely person. He tells her to breathe and be herself.  I will let you take in the story to see what affect this interaction had on her life.

Enjoy the gifts He has given to you!

“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, Your High God, above politics, and everything.”

Psaalms 46:10 MSG

During the chaos when I question whether I have anything of worth to share or even if I am DOING the right thing, I am gently surrounded by the gentle words of my Loving Papa.  

 – Yes, share what I have given to you. No more and No less.

11 You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing;
    You stripped off my dark clothing
    and covered me with joyful light.
12 You have restored my honor. My heart is ready to explode, erupt in new songs!
    It’s impossible to keep quiet!
    Eternal One, my God, my Life-Giver, I will thank You forever

Psalm 30:11-12 Voice

After reading the triumphant victory in this verse, what holds any of us back from going full speed ahead in BEING the MASTERPIECE God created? Well, as I look back at the movie, a couple things jump out at me where daily routine sadly speaks louder than scripture.

Do you identify with any of these?

Perceived chaos in the home can make huge demands on one’s mind where that is what you see more than God’s delight in you. (You even find yourself looking for dark covering so no one could find you. Will this bring you peace? )

 Does a full time job with its cares make you weary? Life has dulled down to coming home, “PLOPing” in the chair, zoning out after supper with the TV til you head for bed? There is no energy or Joyful light to even consider creating.    

 Is there a creative idea churning inside, but you are hesitant to express it because of past labels you have received? i.e—

 You aren’t as good as…  You can’t make money at that… Just stay doing what you are doing, it is safe… This isn’t a real job, spend your time on something that will do some good,  Or there is the fear that if you open your heart to this, people will get the idea you are only trying to draw attention to yourself. ☹

Go to God for His words of encouragement.

Whose response do you rely on to be your creative light?

The Eternal is full of grace and naturally just;
    our God is compassionate and merciful.
And the Eternal watches over the naive.
    Whenever I was knocked down, He reached down and saved me.
O my soul! Return and relax. Come to your true rest,
    for the Eternal has showered you with His favor.

Psalm 116 Voice

Listen to the deep, words God has shared with you in the quiet alone times. When God created you in your mother’s womb, He put together the sweet artistic sense of connecting you with Him in a unique way as He did no other. Not even if you were a twin would you connect with your Heavenly Father as your identical sibling would.

Each flower has it’s own beautiful story. Delight in the beauty each flows gently in the gift God has given it to share.

Jesus shared His Story with unqualified people as far as the world was concerned. Un-educated, laborers, the outcasts, even WOMEN.  Jesus asked them to BE and share the LOVE they received. Their worldly tool kits were small. They said “YES”.

Take in the “story” to see what affect their trust in God and saying yes had on their lives.

You and I are each unqualified vessels. God has given you and me a unique voice. Are you willing to slow down, breathe, relax and receive?  What is the story God  is daily sharing WITH YOU? Are you willing to trust Him and say “YES” with your small tool kit?

I will let you take this in to your story.  What affect does it have on your life?


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Day Fourteen


Thank God! He deserves your thanks. His love never quits. Thank the God of all gods, His love never quits. Thank the Lord of all lords. His love never quits.

Psalm 136 :1-3 MSG

Take a second, (or two, depending on where you are sitting and reading this post) Look into the mirror. Who and what do you see?

Today who is the person absorbing the TRUTH of today’s verse?

 No shame involved, just honesty. The best honest deepest most beautiful art, the best reflection of peace where we can breathe will only come as we allow ourselves to be truly honest on a day to day level in our relationship with God.

Spending time with God is not only an experience set aside for a weekend service or prayer before meals. Those are the set up “easy times”. No thought required. The rest of the week takes a bit more work.

Is God part of your Artsy, creative time? On the weekdays when you are living life, do you ask God, “Do You REALLY WANT to spend time with me?” You might remember some pretty icky stuff that started happening on Monday morning. Why would God want to step into that mud?

Here is a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde mirror experience for me.

I started college, the fall right after I accepted Jesus into my heart. I was so excited. This young girl was going to live a life very radical with joy and devotion to Jesus. Because my love for Jesus was huge, I figured everyone else had the same mind set. (Christian College) I hit a brick wall. Not everyone was a nice person. I made dumb choices. Have you been in those situations where you go to bed promising the next day was going to be better? — Vows under your breath so no one hears you. NO MORE DUMB CHOICES. ☹

My heart wanted to go one way and my actions took me another. It is so great that sweet Jesus knows how hard it is trying to keep on the straight and narrow path. On the night He was going to be arrested, Jesus wanted to give His followers some “holy encouragement” to remember because He was aware what was coming. It wasn’t because Jesus felt His friends were all wimps at heart and could not be trusted. In fact, it was because He knew how much they truly cared for Him and the next few days would be tough He shared these words.

There is a part of you that is eager, ready for anything in God. But there’s another part that’s as lazy as an old dog sleeping by the fire.

Matt. 26:41

This may seem harsh, but I can identify with this statement.

I did not like the face in the mirror.

I was not liking the face in the mirror. God’s love did not quit on me though. Finally I quit being lazy inside. The pain in my heart was so huge and I felt so empty. God gently took my hand,”OK- Now you are finally ready to listen and receive.”

Let’s turn to Dr Jekyll’s side. I have graduated. I have moved. I am married. I belong to a really good church. I put on a “everything is great ☺”. The woman looking in the mirror has a different story to tell. She is not going to be the “Ms. Hyde” though. She is REALLY GOOD. Don’t cause problems. That person is accepted. Be the listening ear.

I felt my life was meeting everyone else’s need but did anyone actually know me? Service is good Christian love, but my heart was sometimes very sad. I kept silent for a long time. I would not even dare to look inside or acknowledge there was a seed of a dream in me

I did not like the face in the mirror. Who was she?

Please don’t get the idea my life was horribly dark all the time. I grew to love worship in a deep way through the Holy Spirit. I grew to recognize the reality of an intense relationship between ” My Heavenly Papa” and me. This was also when God’s wonderful love showed me the Dr. Jekyll life was a false label I was not called to live under either.

The similarity between Dr Jekyll and Ms.Hyde, was that my worth came from doing. Was I true to myself or only responding to the needs of others? I felt accepted, I felt important. I would not dare to even think about the “no” word. Insecurity choked me.

How did things change with both Ms. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll?


In being honest, God started clearing out my false self and false securities. In the empty space, there was room for the freedom to discover the gifts He always had in store for me.

A winding path, initially uncharted and frightening, is laid out before me.

There are little imps still trying to destroy this journey of creative expression and worship but that is a battle for another post. In this victory, THE CREATOR states I am not alone:

Spending time with THE CREATOR, is freeing me from the shoulds, with no shame attached.

Friends, does this mean I can do anything I want and never do something for another person? NO! That would not be loving and living like Jesus. What it does mean is my heart is free to serve out of the flow I receive from Jesus. It is a freer list handwritten by Jesus. Emily P. Freeman would call it living out my ‘ poema’ https://emilypfreeman.com/a-million-little-ways/

Writing and Photography: This is a dream Dr. Jekyll would have never dared to allow her heart to look into. And yet as the false labels left, space opened up to see places God wanted to take me.

Is the creative path you are on similar to mine? God brings our art, our worship through the the past we have experienced. Our past is not a hindrance. It is the road from which we RECEIVE, REFLECT AND then RESPOND.

The freedom is found in spending time in Him first and then flowing out in your creativity.

God’s Love Never Quits. God does not call you to DO.  He asks you to BE. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


Through a transformation program called Faithwalking and recognizing I am a Type 4 in the Enneagram. 1 I am SLOWLY discovering how to show up as the person God Created and am being freed through Jesus.

1 To read more about the Enneagram you can go to THE ROAD BACK TO YOU by Ian Cron https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28268515-the-road-back-to-you

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Can Art Counsel?

Day Thirteen  

16 Let the word of the Anointed One richly inhabit your lives. With all wisdom teach, counsel, and instruct one another. Sing the psalms, compose hymns and songs inspired by the Spirit, and keep on singing—sing to God from hearts full and spilling over with thankfulness.

Colossians 3:16 (Voice)

There are so may ways to express worship. God created you Just the Way You Are with fantastic gifts arranged in a unique fashion. Our challenge at times is to find which is the best flow in worship and obedience.

16 Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,[a] singing to God with gratitude in your hearts .

Colossians 3;16 CSB

Is there space in your heart for this message? I would like you to think about your art as a gift as you take God’s Hand. You have absolute permission to create and express gratitude to God through your ART.

  Do you sing your heart out to God in your creativity, in your life, in your being? Do you give silent thanksgiving for all He is and all He has done or does it flow into your art?

As I was listening to a heavy rain shower, I wanted to create an artistic expression- Music of Nature. The CREATOR shares His abundant Art with no boundaries. As ripples in a pond grow wider and wider, the same happens to us. Our connection will grow deeper and deeper as we take time to listen and RECEIVE. How do you REFLECT and RESPOND to this gift?


This free website art piece was fun to expand upon around the borders. Do you see my message? As a creative, we can connect to God in a special way, to listen and then express.

Who teaches, counsels and instructs? Can your art do that?

The painting of a child and her father is teaching a sermon to a soul in pain needing to forgive. A written article and photo cries out concerning the horrors of human trafficking. This is instruction! A delightful nature photo of squirrels enjoying just being squirrels counsels a grumpy person to see life through a different lens and changes his day. Through an artist listening to God’s Heart, someone was taught, instructed, and counseled. Did the artist put the creative piece out there, demanding a response? No. I think she listened to God’s request and said “Yes”. The results were left in God’s hands.

To know and experience life so what flows from you is His truth, it is important to spend time with the One Who cares for you as no one else can. The abundant love you receive as you engage, will flow into your art.

This is my gift for you today. Go deep into the joy of the relationship between The Creator and you.


I Have a New Life.

Day Twelve

 He came to save us. It’s not that we earned it by doing good works or righteous deeds; He came because He is merciful. He brought us out of our old ways of living to a new beginning through the washing of regeneration; and He made us completely new through the Holy Spirit, who was poured out in abundance through Jesus the Anointed, our Savior.

Titus 3:5-6 Voice


Receive your new life.
Reflect upon your new life.
Respond to what you Received.




 Where do you go when the “insecurity imps” start their little tap dance on your creative juices? Do you begin to wonder- “am I really cut out for this?” 

Or, are you one of those types who are so confident in who you are, what you are doing, no matter what the outside conditions? You march forward against all odds. I am not criticizing if this is your bent. I say Bless you!

I am not one of those creatures. I do claim I am a NEW CREATION in Christ and I am honest to state I face a “fear” battle on a regular basis. This is not fun. I love writing, love creating, love the combination of photography with words. I really can’t see expressing in another fashion right now. This is my explosive release of God’s Heart and Joy that He shares with me. Can I say no to this? ——

At times it is an intense emotional battle just to keep going. I need to make the decision to continue putting one creative step in front of the other. The inner fear is real. The battle is real.

Is the battle wrong? Does it mean I am wrong to continue? Is this God’s voice saying I am in the wrong activity because I have emotional challenges? Would a person who is battling cancer be considered doing something wrong? I think not. How are these two situations the same you ask? The person with cancer did not ask for this sickness. She does have a choice how to deal with the emotional challenges that will attack her as she is walking this path. It is not easy but she can turn to God to give her the strength to see life through His Lens.

I recognize I have a strong emotional reaction to situations. I personally did not ask for the strong negative emotional battle. Am I wrong because I am experiencing these emotions while I am creating? My choice is see what is happening on this path and ask God to give to give me strength to see the situation through His Lens.

Naming the triggers or recognizing when the anxiety is starting to attack is something I am VERY SLOWLY becoming more aware of. Slowing Down and Breathing, may make the difference between a peaceful acceptance of recognizing who I am as a Daughter of the King or wanting to throw in the towel. I need to deeply take this in, not only hear it on the surface and just agree with the words.

Example :

I was prepared. My written piece was ready for the workshop.  This was not the first time I had something of mine critiqued. I felt confident in what I was sharing and was willing to receive any comments (positive or negative) on how it could be improved.  The presentation went well. The interaction was good.

It was on the way home where my triggers kicked in:

 Negative emotions – shame, comparison, doubt flooded my heart. The workshop itself was a positive experience, but in the car , I was either tossing around in my mind only negative comments or analyzing the comments through a negative filter. My brain turned off and my Type 4’s Type 2, high strung, “needing to please everyone” emotions took over. ( Taken from Enneagram information 1). I got home and was miserable.☹

I wanted hide under a blanket. I declared this post to be a nonredeemable piece and I am not a writer.  (Of course no one in the group really said that.)

 Fear and insecurity cocked it’s head, waved it’s finger and claimed I had no rights to say I am creative.

If I were to stay there under that blanket, who wins?

10 For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in the Anointed, Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago.
Eph. 2 (Voice)
Don’t Quit

Certainly not God. Certainly not the One who created me to be His Masterpiece.

Whether it is celebrating while doing laundry or rejoicing in His promises as I color or write, I am made to go forward in worship and creating.

Creating, worship, freedom comes in many forms and sizes. Listen to God’s Heart.
A journal is a fantastic place to be honest when the real battle is happening. Express your prayers in words. Write down what God shares with you.

When you spend time with the Father, and express His heart, but the response does not come out as you had hoped, you need to recognize what is going on inside. There may be pain. There is a battle going on. God has given you a gift to share. God has given you His heart.

Be free with all the paints and colors to be messy.

Allow yourself to stand beneath the warm water of His love.  The gentle flow of the water will wash the sticky ickies off your body.  

“Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.

Romans 8:26 MSG

Enjoy the gifts He has given to you. Be free to share His Heart. Be honest as you walk this path of worship and creativity.

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What Can I Do?

Day Eleven

4 Mighty King, lover of justice, you have established fairness. You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel.

Psalm 99 NLT

Welcome to Your rule in peace and beauty.

Even with the beauty of your art, there is a fierce truth of who is in control.

Today the winds roar and the waves strike the shore. This is still your control.

As creatives, our own path may engage in the world of blooming flowers or freezing waters and harsh waves. It is not our choice as to the surroundings when we wake up. God is in control of Nature. We say “Yes”, grab our camera or our journal and participate in what is happening. We want to join God in what He is doing.

If we are sensitive, if we are willing to listen, God may ask us to join Him in other activities with our creativity.

That is exactly what happened to me when I opened the book The Slave Across the Street, by Therese Flores. The pain I felt for this woman (she was 15 years old at the time she experienced her trauma) made me want to take steps on behalf of the real human girls and boys, young women and young men, held in the clutches of human trafficking.

God is a Mighty King. He fights for Justice. We have the opportunity to ask Him how the art and creativity He gave us, can be used to join Him against this injustice.

This path is not easy. It is pain filled and harsh so a good first step, as suggested in Emily P. Freeman’s book, THE NEXT RIGHT THING,1 would be check out if God wants you to join Him in this battle. The battle is out there and turning a blind eye will not make it go away. It does not mean everyone is cut out for this particular journey, so prayer and direction is important.

Getting educated on the definition of human trafficking and the different types can be a next step. As writers and creative people, reading the stories of survivors will bring you into their soul. Biographies are not pretty, but it is one of the best ways to make it tangible and real.

What are the organizations in your city, in the nation or internationally that speak to you? Do you look into the sad face of a little girl in Cambodia and weep? I typed in the words “art fighting human trafficking”. The amount of information was huge. There is an opportunity for artists and creatives to speak out.


RECEIVING is taking in, collecting information. Ask God how you are to participate in this battle for freedom.

As you collect information, give yourself quality time with God to engage and hear His Heart. REFLECT. What is He saying on this war? Share how you feel. Do you hear Him calling your name to join in this battle? Ask God for His directions for you?

How does God want you to RESPOND? Causing other people to become aware of this injustice through your poems or art may be the beginning for this journey. Could there be a deeper, more intense response being asked of you? Donating funds to one of the organizations you researched might be an option. Are you being drawn to physically participate in an organization by using your creative skills? Sound scary? Too big for your capabilities? If God is calling you, the directions will be His leading. Remember Moses started out as a “stutterer with a stick”.

A national organization you can start out with for art is https://www.unodc.org/newyork/en/artists-united-against-human-trafficking.html I am not totally informed about this organization. It was one of the links I found concerning “art against trafficking”

Another organization to look at is https://twitter.com/IJM for basic other information. I do receive information concerning this organization.

I would love to hear how God might ask you to creatively respond.

Our ART is a Gift God has shared with us. How are we to share it with the world.?

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”
― Benjamin Franklin

goodread quotes

The words of survivors reveals the reality of the cruelty and the beauty in freedom in a way nothing else can. If you go to this site about Therese book, you will find other recommendations https://www.amazon.com/Slave-Across-Street-Theresa-Flores-ebook/dp/B0034KYZQ8

1 Emily P. Freeman, The Next Right Thing (Grand Rapid, MI:Revell,2019)

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Let Your Kingdom Come Lord, in My Creativity.

Day Ten

…For who is like me, and who can challenge me? What ruler can oppose my will?

Jeremiah 49:19c
Heavy snow causing all to turn white with or without permission.
Sun and green. Calm and warm.
Fierce, raging waters heading to Lake Superior.
The fall brings THE CREATOR with brush with paints.

 Slowly take in each photo. The colors, the drama, the change. What does each one say to you about God’s rule? God is The Creator.

Beautiful sky with peaceful colors one day and the next delivers the broken path of a horrendous storm. Once tall majestic trees, now bent to the ground or split in half as if toothpicks.

I take in each photo and breathe. Not only does God say to me He is in charge of His creation, He continually puts this question for me to ponder:

Who is in charge when it comes to decisions regarding my art, my creativity?

Friend, as you pursue your artistic endeavor, do feel the wonderful protection of the Savior and His Kingdom in your art? Or are you constantly threatened by the sounds of :

  • The inner critique
  • Deadlines
  • Comparison
  • Family members who cannot understand this “creating thing”
  • Fear

These intruders and more come attacking, trying to wreak havoc in God’s kingdom for me. If I submit to their rule, I allow myself to become a prisoner. When I hear-“no one will read your items” or “the dishes are more important than this writing stuff?” or “is this a hobby or what? You don’t earn money from it do you?”, I realize I am in a battle. This creating is not easy.

So what is the response? Can you relate? Pick up your pen as a sword. Expose the liars for what they are. Stand with God for His rule and reign in His Kingdom. Go Forward.

Expose the liars and demand they leave.

The Lord’s Prayer or what is sometimes called THE OUR FATHER¹ reflects how Jesus invites us to come to His Father(who is also Our Father).  This includes giving God the real LORDSHIP over walls, barriers, and lies trying to keep us from living His Kingdom throughout our lives.

God’s authority flows throughout the various seasons of Nature. It is gentle and calm. It is fierce and wild. The battle in our lives to be and write under God authority will be similar. “...For who is like me, and who can challenge me? What ruler can oppose my will?” How will His Kingdom Rule in your art, in your life?

1 Matt.6:9-11 and Luke 11:2- 4

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Are you weary? God is your strength.

Day Nine

3. He renews my strength. He guides me along paths, bringing honor to His Name.

Psalm 23 NLT

Everyday objects are His creation. They bring honor to His Name.
Everyday objects are His creation. They bring honor to His Name.

Breathe! Make Space. You are His creation. You bring Honor to His Name!

Give yourself the freedom to take God’s hand. Take a walk with Him. Listen to the birds. The wind blows through your hair. The waves dash upon the rocks. The leaves crunch beneath your feet. Share your heart with Him. Listen as He shares with you.


Be still and realize God’s absolute LOVE. Reflect upon His beauty through you.

Walk forward in what you are being and you will release the love God put in you.
Listen to God’s Heart. Start naming the barriers trying to stop what has been given to you?
Seek His face. Your freedom to create will bring honor to His Name.
Joy in creativity. Express the sounds busting from your soul.

I repeat:

Reflect upon His Touch in your life. Reflect upon His Wonder through your ART. That is your creativity.

In receiving His Love, strength for your creative path and life will bring honor to His Name.

Make Space, Receive and Share!




Day Eight

You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from.

Ps. 23:2 MSG

    Make space for your soul.

Relax in
simple beauty.


Fresh water to refresh me.


  As you read the verse, are you at a place in your life where these words really make absolutely no sense? For example: chronic pain surrounds your every waking moment, or maybe dear friends, possibly close relatives have prayed for healing concerning physical attacks on their bodies with no release in sight, or maybe a strange ailment takes you from doctor to doctor and they cannot give you a direction. Urgent questions with no answers.

Yes there is turmoil.
Yes there is beauty.

  Do you feel as though you have been quite diligent with your daily scripture intake, with ALL OF ITS MANY WORDS, but lately, that is what they have become- MERE WORDS. ☹   It is so ok to be honest. God loves you. God deals better with honesty than with fake obedience.

With the turbulence of the world, lies from the enemy and the void offered from empty sources, your soul is tired. The protective measures you put up as a way to handle life may be the very barrier keeping God’s intimate gentle breath at bay. God’s deep love will sooth your soul.

Gentle, beauty reaching out past the ugliness.

You cannot escape a few thorns while enjoying the beauty of a rose. Pain comes with beauty. God does not demand you to experience the pain on you own. The CREATOR of the universe has never abandoned you, even in times when you feel abandoned. His Hand is always reaching out.

In these present uncertainties, dare to picture His arms holding you in a peaceful meadow next to a cool stream.

A David Psalm

23 1-3 God, my shepherd!

    I don’t need a thing.

You have bedded me down in lush meadows,

    you find me quiet pools to drink from.

True to your word,

    you let me catch my breath

    and send me in the right direction.

Portions of A David Psalm

  How do you feel?

Paint, draw, or write a story or poem, responding to the chaos in your present soul. As creatives, this is the gift we can use to connect with the pain in our heart. Try to make physical, the invisible pain. Use it as a sacrifice of praise. Be Bold! Be Daring!

Offer this gift to God. Ask God to bring you to an honest quiet place.

  Turn off the outside noise. Listen to the One who really loves you!

RECEIVE God’s Words for you today, REFLECT upon God’s Heart for you, RESPOND to what God is sharing with you.

Be still! Receive!

If there is space today, create what you received in response to your honest quiet time with God. Share here or on my Facebook page if you wish. We are all on this journey together.










Badlands Desert turning into a Well-Watered Garden.

Day Seven

Justice will move into the badlands desert.
    Right will build a home in the fertile field.
And where there’s Right, there’ll be Peace
    and the progeny of Right: quiet lives and endless trust.
My people will live in a peaceful neighborhood—
    in safe houses, in quiet gardens.
The forest of your pride will be clear-cut,
    the city showing off your power leveled.
But you will enjoy a blessed life,
    planting well-watered fields and gardens.

Isaiah 32:17
Beautiful land when you first see it. But it goes for miles and miles.
The temperature was over 110 ° F . No shade. Dry grass. High, rocky, peaks.

Driving through the South Dakota Badlands is a beautiful experience. One I totally enjoyed with my daughter. But after a while it was miles and miles of heat, rocks, no water. (Signs were posted to carry water with you if you considered walking on the designated trails). It could turn very bleak very fast if a catastrophe happened and we were on our own. Living conditions like this without being asked permission or experiencing emotional circumstances just as raw with no change in sight are the reality of injustice in this world.


     How does righteousness and peace enter into the world of creativity? Is social justice only a matter for those who studied these areas in college and are working within the system? What does art have to do with equality?  

These plaques are part of an artistic memorial in my city to remember.1 The Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial is a tribute not only to the horror, but also how steps can be taken to go forward. This is where art and creativity are used to help, heal, engage and not slide backwards. To read about the background behind the plaques, please go to this website. https://claytonjacksonmcghie.org/

 Is creativity for justice a reality in your heart? What might it cost if you actually asked to see with His Lens and reflect through His Heart?

The more you ask for God to be involved in your art, in your life, it means you may not have the final say. That is a scary. This is freeing.

Reflecting God’s heart does not mean heaping shame upon past decisions. Art of this type is not to be used as an angry “in your face” hate filled statement saying look what you did to me. God is pained with evil choices, but His heart is for restoration. Words of FORGIVENESS and LOVE are similar to the ones Jesus expressed from the Cross, “Please Father, Forgive Them.”

This art touches the soul-Heals the pain!

God will bring justice to the badlands deserts.

How are you and your art to be involved with God’s heart toward righteousness, anti-trafficking, stopping bullying, for peace, against abuse, forgiveness, and LOVE?

 God has a purpose for the gift He has given you.
It may bring Joy and Wonder which will point them to Jesus.
The Art may be a gift God will use to release pain and give peace to others.
Listen to God's Heart first. It is His Art.
God has a purpose for the gift He has given you.
It may bring Joy and Wonder which will point them to Jesus.
The Art may be a gift God will use to release pain and give peace to others.
Listen to God’s Heart first. It is His Art.

Dry barren lands will turn into well watered fields and gardens. Share the Hope.

If you have suggestions how creativity can speak out in this area, share in the comments, or come to my Facebook Page. I know The Breath and the Clay, http://www.thebreathandtheclay.com/ and Mystics &Makers http://www.makersandmystics.com/ are places to go deeper in art and culture.

Blessings on your journey.









1 photos taken at The Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial
2 Quote on photo taken from https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/art?

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Reflections of My Heart!

Reflections of My Heart!

Please be patient with me today as I digress from the devotions.

I hope you have discovered challenges for your spiritual walk in my writings. My desire is to create space for you and meditations that will affect both your life and your art/ creativity. Personally, I don’t think one can be separated from the other. (Being a Type Four in the Enneagram explains that.1 ) Do you look at your creative adventure with God as a sacrifice of praise? Can you see your writings through the eyes of worship? This calls for intentionally spending time with God to see what is on His heart for you. In other word using a form of spiritual discipline to seek God’s face for your art, for your life.  

The devotions are also meant to bring up a few questions in your creative approach you might not have considered before. For example: is art involved with justice, how does God express His heart today through creativity, is God seen in secular art? Response of your thoughts and discussion are encouraged.

Now to today’s post. I am stepping into the vulnerable waters of my personal space. Come and join me.

At the end of each post I draw you into a time of contemplation. I ask you to:


to the devotions I shared and the time you spend with God in the genre of your choice. I think it is only fair for me to share with you how my creative journey is going. ☺

First and foremost I know- God is Good, all the time. This includes the times my words do not flow. This is true when the photo app does not work as my mind’s eye envisions the art. This is true when I can’t understand certain requirements to upgrade my presentation. This is true when my mind feels as though everyone else is better at things then I am.

Slow down to enjoy God in the very small things in life. Through the tears, the anger, the pain. At times it REALLY needs to be intentional.

It has been on tough on me lately. I have been trying to see life through the Lens of God’s grace and acceptance.  I know My Creator loves me, but sadly, through my tears, my anger, my pain, loving myself was/is very hard.

I analyzed. I prayed. I wrote. Finally I reached something tangible because even though I don’t completely feel out of the forest, I found two constants running through the debts of my emotions.

Type Fours get ready (small drum roll)——–

Envy and Comparison.   

For me, these two sins are a deadly duo. Type Fours are not the only ones who experience such an emotional attack on our walk in life, but it does seem that we do have a tendency to be a bit more susceptible to this upset.2 (Creatives of all types, how do these two enemies of our art and life show up in your walk?)

In my case the attacks come:

  • from looking at other peoples’ accomplishments in creativity (and my lack),
  • how quickly something is understood by people in my field but I am really slow to catch on.
  • I see myself surrounded by “shoulds”. This comparison comes as I draw out expectations to meet certain standards and everyone else is whizzing by with their accomplishments. Where do I see myself? Still on first place or wondering why I need to do the activity in the first place?

If you identify with any of these, you are not crazy. You do not need to handle the internal battle on your own. These natural battles and more will arise on your journey in creative expressing/ living. This is the time where the deeper/ closer walk with God comes in.

The words of the Sunday School song—

Yes Jesus Loves, Me-The Bible tells me so.

These words are an absolute truth. Do you walk around as if in a fog at times? Yes, Jesus does loves you and walks with you in your creativity!

 are filled with absolute truth.   I don’t want a theological debate here, but I need something in the words and beyond words to run its course in my soul when Envy and Comparison are battling for my peace of mind.

What is my course of action?

I need to stop and allow TRUTH to sink into my heart. I have to ask the Holy Spirit to move in my heart. I can’t just say “get out”, and brush my hands with a finished flare. I have to ask the Holy Spirit to clean out my heart and remove the rubbish so Truth is what I Breathe. This may take time. This is what needs to happen to move my words. I cannot try just having the words move my words.

This post is a time to stop. I do not mean stop creating. I am asking you to stop and breathe. If there is a nudge from the Holy Spirit, take time with a friend, go out for coffee and confess. Confess where everything or anything out there is having a bigger affect on your life than God.

 If the creative “calling” is chaotic and it’s yelling is louder than the simple truth of “Jesus Loves Me”, consider a time out with Jesus as a possible next choice.

Does the stopping and asking mean the change will happen quickly? Sadly, there are no guarantees to an immediate difference. I will say, if you do not stop and talk to God it may never happen.

Is it important to you for people to stop and take the time to listen to what you are sharing? How do you respond when God asks you to stop and listen to the Words of Life He shares with you?

Through the chaos, God’s Love is always here. He is working a good plan.
God Takes My Hand. He completes what He starts. That brings JOY.









1 If you are interested in finding out more about the Enneagrams Type Four of Nine Types, you can read THE ROAD BACK TO YOU by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2016)

2 Referring to Type Fours being susceptible to ENVY and COMPARISON :Ibid.